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Data filtering, reporting

In order to use the Statistics and Calls menu to its full potential, it is essential to know the available filtering options and conditions.


Data display depends on three important elements:

  1. Filtering condition fields.
  2. Applied conditions to those fields.
  3. Columns displayed.


Columns can be sorted by testing using the Drag & Drop technique. Click on the column headings to sort the list in ascending / descending order.

Filtering conditions

All data display interfaces (Statistics, Calls) can be filtered by using conditions. The available data will be listed according to set conditions. The end results of the filtering can be copied to the clipboard or downloaded.

Clicking on the “filter” button displays the current filtering conditions, which can be modified as needed. For larger data sets, you can use these filter settings to display the data you need.

The data viewer can display up to 500 results. If the amount of data requested exceeds this, you may want to narrow down the data set you are looking for using the filter conditions, or copy it to the clipboard, download it in a file (.csv, .xls).

Additional options can be added to the fields used for conditional filtering using the Filters drop-down menu. By clicking on the search button after the set options, all filled options are considered and the records corresponding to the conditions are displayed.

Data columns

The data set displayed changes dynamically depending on the currently active columns.

You can add extra columns to the data or reduce the data to be displayed by removing (unchecking) unnecessary columns.

Setting up custom filters

Customizable filters, “views”, can be set to make daily use of Comnica CC statistics easier. Using the buttons next to the default view, you can save the set search criteria, columns and filters and load them with a single click (by pressing the drop-down menu and picking the created/saved view).

The data, generated report can be copied to the clipboard and downloaded in .xls and .csv formats.