Knowledge Base > > Calls (audio files) > Call recordings
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Call recordings

Call recordings are available in the “Calls” menu. The calls are displayed in a basic list view for which any filtering can be set.

The calls are listed according to the set filtering criteria.  Using the Manage Columns button (3 dots on the right side of the data sheet) to edit filter conditions, to see additional columns.

Successfully connected calls have a sound file attached. Setting up and saving custom filter conditions is also available as a feature.

The calls are displayed in a basic list view, which can be filtered as desired. Records for which an audio file is available are indicated with an Recording available icon.icon.

By holding the mouse cursor over the given call entry, the following options will be available:

  • Call recording playback

    Available playback functionalities:

    • The audio track of the agent and the client are displayed separately.
    • Play and Pause call recordings.
    • Accelerated playback of the call file (1.5x, 2x acceleration).
    • Volume adjustment.
    • Ability to “zoom in” on the sound frequency display.
    • Additional informations are displayed (project name, agent name, exact date the call file was recorded, call category/terminating code of the call).
  • Mark recordings as 'listened'

    The listened mark shows that the recording have already been listened to or not.

  • Evaluation

    This option helps to give proper feedback to the agents on their skills. The rating allows to give an overall score on the agent’s perfomance and in the comment section, the evaluator can leave a detailed comment regarding their impressions based on the recording.

    In custom systems additional information can be found for evaluations:

    There are 4 sections in the evaluate view:

    • overall rating and comment,
    • call information,
    • product knowledge
    • and communication skills.

    Firstly, the product knowledge and the communication skills of an agent should be assessed. There are 3 criteras for both skills and all criterias can be rated on a scale of 1 to 5. After that the call information should be filled in. Notes can be entered in the description field. The immediate feedback field can be used to highlight important notes to the agent.

    The overall rating and comment should be added last which can be found on the top part of the evaluate section.

  • Download (when available)

    Download: the recordings are available for download in .mp3 format.

In case the above options are not available, the audio file is still being uploaded or the call record does not have an available recorded audio. It may happen that the audio file has reached the storage time limit (depending on the contract, audio files are stored for a specified time).

To download audio files in bulk, visit this link: Sound downloader.

In the Calls list, it’s possible to click on the phone numbers to edit the project record that belongs to the recording.

You can navigate freely on the Comnica CC pages while listening to a recording.