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Advanced search feature

The Advanced Search feature allows agents to search for records in a project’s database according to specified filter criteria (database fields) in the Client.

How to activate “Advanced search feature”

It can be activated per project. After selecting a project, you can activate it on the Call Settings tab by activating “Prework and advanced search fields”. It allows agents to retrieve a record randomly or by using the advanced search.

Defining filtering conditions (Call settings)

Database fields selected in the “Highlighted record fields” drop-down menu will appear in the other information column of the Client’s Callback List by default. When the “Prework and advanced search fields” option is active, the advanced record search button becomes available in the Client and the selected fields are used as a record search option. When “Create Record” is active, the Create record button will be available in the Client and the selected fields can be filled out by the agent and will be added to the database by clicking on Create.


The “Highlighted record fields” dropdown list does not contain any contact fields, they are automatically displayed.
The “Highlighted Record Fields” drop-down list contains the database fields in a given project that have been added to the system by the following methods:

  • data inserted when creating a project,
  • new data inserted into the project,
  • editing the script (adding input or choice fields).


In case the “Highlighted Record Fields” drop-down menu is empty (no field is selected), by default only the contact field (phone number) is available for searching purposes.

Advanced search fields cannot be system columns (for example: terminating_code, linked_at, calldirection).

The usage of the Advanced search feature:

  • You can fill multiple search boxes (input fields) at once and narrow down the available data.
  • Partial text search is also possible.
  • Only available, non-terminated records will appear in the search results.
  • The input fields are not case sensitive, but accents must be used properly.

In case the agent is handling more than one projects at the time, they can choose a project from the “Call queues” list on the left side and start searching in the currently highlighted project if the feature is active.