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Comnica Contact Center
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Comnica SmartSMS
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User interface

The main features of the Client:

  • managing outgoing and / or incoming calls from the call center
  • agent status management (Waiting for Customer, Pause, Lunch, Education)
  • agents can track their time spent in different statuses
  • set dedicated or common callbacks (callbacks are listed in the “Callbacks” section of the Client)
  • use a script editor and a pre-defined record sheet to manage customer data
  • SMS and E-mail sending
  • manual or predictive dialing mode (the dialer automatically initiates calls)
  • easy to use action keys to make a call, end a call, hold, mute or pause voice recording
  • the agents can see the projects assigned to them and their order of importance
  • agents can track the successful and unsuccessful terminations of the day, all calls made that day
  • advanced search feature

Information section

The data displayed in the top green line:

  • The upper left corner shows the current time and time zone.
  • The name of the user who is logged on to the Client is displayed in the upper right corner. The exit icon next to it allows the agent to properly logout from the Client.
  • Agents can see the total time spent in different agent states for a given day.

Data displayed in the second row:

  • Name of the currently active project / call queue.
  • Microphone status indicator.
  • Agent extensions number.

Data displayed in the third row:

  • In call: the indicator turns green when the agent is in a call.
  • Predictive: in case of predictive (automatic) dialing, the indicator turns green.
  • Current work phase: shows the currently active agent state.
  • Time in work phase / time limit: amount of time spent in a given agent state / maximum allowed time limit (can be specified in Call settings). If the time limit is exceeded, the status indicator turns red. The system does not force the agent to change status, this is informational only.


Data displayed in the fourth section:

Display agent statistics for the day. The time spent in different agent states can be traced, for the day, in totals and averages:

  • Prework
  • Taking a break
  • Lunch
  • Education
  • Talking
  • Registering


The current status is highlighted in the center, which turns red when it reaches the time limit. The time constraints within the Campaigns can be modified in the Call settings, defined per campaign.

Terminated/handled calls of the day are summarized in this section.

  • Successful terminations: calls terminated with the termination category: Success.
  • Failed terminations: calls terminated with the termination category: Failed.


Categories can be selected for terminations within the scripts.

  • Successful outgoing calls: the total value of successfully connected outgoing calls for a given day.
  • Successful incoming calls: the total value of successfully connected incoming calls for a given day. Only counts for incoming call queues.
  • All calls: The value of all calls processed on a given day, regardless of call direction.


This section lists the projects available to the agent.


If the “Can select queue” option is inactive for that user (for more information: User management), the system will automatically log the user in to the projects that are active and assigned to them with the proper permission (operator). When “Can select queue” option is active, agents/users can decide from a dropdown menu, which queues they would like to manage. Multiple choices are allowed. When selecting multiple projects in this section, the agents can switch between assigned call queues / projects and make incoming or outgoing calls.

The numeric values in the Weight column shows the queue’s weight value. Default: 1. Agents will more likely get calls in a project with higher weight value.


The callback section contains the agent’s dedicated callbacks and common list callbacks. The “Display common callbacks” option on the Call settings page within projects is inactive by default. Callbacks appearing here can be adjustable using the “Redial display limit” option.


The data shown in this section:

Type – Dedicated or common list callback.

Phone number – The phone number to be recalled.

Project name – Name of the project the record belongs to.

Callback time – Date of the callback (set by the agent).

Other info – in the other info column you can enter the details of the record. To use this, see the section called “Dialer and telephone exchange settings, agent permissions” options on the Call Settings page.


Action buttons and state change request

Opening a random record.

Pressing this button will randomly retrieve an unterminated record from the database that is currently not managed by another agent. The agent will be directed to the record handling view, where they will be able to manage the given record.


Advanced search feature.

Visit the Advanced search feature page for a detailed guide.

Record management features

Create record.

The availability of the Create Record button depends on whether it is enabled on the Call Settings tab within that project using the Create Record option.

When agents press the Create Record button in the Client, the “Create Record” window will pop up. Use this to insert a new record into the existing project selected in the active “Call queue” section. At least one of the contact fields on the top of the modal window is mandatory.

If there are other fields that the operator needs to fill in for the record to be added to the project, then those fields must be selected for each project on the Call Settings tab using the “Highlighted Record Fields” drop-down menu.

Clicking on the Create button opens the newly added record and the agent can start dialing / managing it.

In any case, using the “Create Record” button, a new record will be created, regardless of whether an existing record is associated with a given phone number in the project in a terminated or non-terminated state.

The system will not display any warnings if a contact with this phone number already exists in the project’s database. We recommend using the “Advanced Record Search” button to make sure that the data is not duplicated or that the phone number is already terminated.

Using the “Requesting state” drop-down menu, the agents can choose from the predefined agent states or agent states that have been added by Admins using the Administration page ( in the Agent states menu.

Default agent states that can be requested manually:

  • Taking a break (does not count as work)
  • Lunch (does not count as work)
  • Education (does not count as work)
  • Waiting for Customer (predictive, automatic dialing, counts as work)


Automatic agent state changes:

When a call is successfully connected the agent’s will be automatically switched to “Talking” state.

After a successfully connected call has ended, the agent has the option to perform modifications on the record in the record handling view and their state will be switched to “Registering“. Registering counts as work and it’s an automatically managed agent state, does not require a state change and is not available as an option. Registering allows the agent to fill out the required data in the script or leave a comment. They can also decide to terminate (categorize) the call or set a callback.

Prework also counts as work, and it includes a pre-call record manager view.

For example:

If agents decide to handle a random record or create a new one, they will be automatically enter “Prework” state until they decide to dial the record’s phone number. When successful connection is established with the dialed contact, they will be switched to “Talking“. After the call has ended and they did not set it to a callback or did not terminate it yet, their state will switch to “Registering”.

Agents can request to switch between pause states / manual agent states. If they are in an automatic agent state (Prework, Talking, Registering), they will be only able to request a state change, which will take place once they have completed the call and handled the given record (their current state has ended).

Record handling view

In the Client, the record handling view will be displayed in the following scenarios:

  • by opening a random record,
  • using the advanced search feature,
  • by creating a record,
  • on successful incoming/outgoing call connection.

The top 3 rows of the information section are still visible to the agent during record handling.

The record handling view can be divided into the following sections:

  • Record form
  • Contact list
  • Navigation, setting a callback, comments
  • Script (form)
  • Manual dialing, action buttons
  • State request dropdown


Record form

The record form shows the script data section (adjustable in the script of the project). Database fields uploaded to the project (for outbound call queues) can be displayed to give the agent a comprehensive view of the person being called or to provide quick information during a conversation, or may include mandatory fields to be filled out by the agents. The advantage of the record form is that it is always visible to the agent regardless of the current script page.

Contact fields (phone numbers) can be added to the record form, but agents can only edit contact items by clicking the Contact list button.


The content of the script can be edited on the Script tab within a given project. Each project must have a script.

Contact list

Clicking the Contact list button will open the Contact list modal, which containts the phone numbers / contact fields in the project that have been marked as contact fields during project creation or data upload.


These contact fields are

  • editable
  • can be set as preferred contacts (in case of multiple contact fields)
  • their priority can be adjusted (in the case of multiple contact fields, the system dials in descending order of priority number, eg priority 2 is dialed sooner than 1, etc.)


Navigation buttons

Exit script button:

This button is only available if agents are in Prework state and they not yet dialed the phone number that belongs to the opened record. When the call connection is established, the ‘Exit Script” button becomes inactive and cannot be used. In this case, the agent must set a callback or select the appropriate call category, termination.

Previous page:

Agents can use the “Previous page” button to go back to the previous script page if the script assigned to that project contains multiple pages. For a 1-page script, the “Previous page” button is inactive. Data that has already been filled out on the next page will not be lost upon returning to the previous page.

In the script display part of the record management view, the “next step buttons” must be added and placed in the script itself, they are not available on the interface by default. Agent navigation should be provided with proper scripting.

Set callback

By clicking on the button called “Set Callback”, the agent has the option to set it to a later date (they can choose predefined options from the dropdown or specify the exact date and time) in case they need to recall the given record indefinitely for later reference and case management. In this case, the callback will be visible in the callback list on the Client’s main interface (not the record manager) when it reaches the allotted visibility interval* (click here for more details).

The type of a callback can be common or dedicated. Agents can set the type when they are setting a callback.

The common callbacks (in case the slider is active) can be viewed by all agents (depending on the visibility interval of the callback) and can be accessed / opened using the Callbacks section of the Client. In case of using predictive dialing (Waiting for Customer state), each common type callback will be dialed when they reach the set date and time and will connect to agents that are currently available in the project.

The Callback section contains the agents’ dedicated callbacks and common list callbacks. Displaying common list callbacks on the Call settings page within projects is inactive by default, you must enable the “Show common list callbacks” status slider for them to be displayed.

Agents’ dedicated callbacks (if the slider is inactive – default) are visible, viewable. In the case of predictive dialing, the dialer will only initiate calls to the dedicated agent who set the record to callback.

*Visibility interval: project-specific parameter that can be adjusted in the Call settings using the Redial display limit (day) parameter.


As shown in the image (above), multiple comments can be added to one record during record management, and if the record has already been previously handled by another agent (for example: in case of a common callback), the current handler can see previous comments and add new ones.

Comments are only stored in the system when the agent sets a callback or terminates (categorizes) the record. If they add a comment to a given record and they decide to press the “Exit script” button (it’s available, because they haven’t initiated a call), the comment they added will be lost.

Comments can be viewed in the Calls menu by clicking on the phone number. The user will be directed to the Project datasheet that contains the given record. On the bottom of the page, there is a “Record Comments” section which contains all the comments available for the record.

Call handling, manual dialing

Dial button – agents can use this button to dial or hangup a call.
 Park call – agents can put a call on hold by pressing this button. The customer will hear music playing on their side. Agents can initiate a new call while a current call is on hold by activating this feature on the “Call settings” tab within the project.
 Mute microphone – mutes the agent’s microphone.
 Pause voice recording – voice recording can be turned off (e.g. handling sensitive data) or on using this button.


The “Pause voice recording, Hold call, Mute call, Enable Initiate a new call while in hold” options can be activated / deactivated on the “Call settings” tab within a project.