Knowledge Base > Comnica Contact Center > Developer and general information > Blocking phone numbers (Robinson list)
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Blocking phone numbers (Robinson list)

On the Adminsitration page, under the Properties section / Settings / Robinson lists Robinson lists a.k.a blacklists can be created. Blacklists prevent the dialer from dialing the blacklisted phone numbers.

There are two types of blacklists:

  • Global blacklists (affects all current and future outgoing projects).
  • Project blacklists (phone numbers that are blacklisted in a project can still be dialed from other projects).
Blocking phone numbers, robinson list.

This allows take a phone number out of the dialing process in one project, but still be able to dial them in future projects, for example. Same Robinson list (blacklist) can be added to multiple projects.

Phone numbers can be blocked individually by adding them to the global or project-based Robinson list or by uploading a file that contains the phone numbers and a comment (this is not mandatory, but it can be used for informational purposes).

For blocking a number in an incoming queue/project, please raise a ticket on our Customer Service Platform.

When incorrectly formatted phone number(s) are added to a Robinson list, they will get labeled as “Looks invalid” in the Validity column.

Creating Robinson lists and assigning them to projects

  • Robinson lists are accessible in the “Properties” section (Administration page) / Settings / Robinson lists.
  • Robinson lists can be created by clicking “+ New Robinson list” in the upper right corner (global Robinson list named “system” exists by default).
  • By clicking on Create after typing in the desired name for the blacklist, the user will be directed to the “Robinson list datasheet” where they can:
    • add phone numbers to the list individually (by clicking on “+ add a new phone number”)
    • in bulk, by uploading the data from a file (.xls, .xlsx or csv. files are accepted. Filestructure: the files can only contain two columns with a header containing the following: phone number and comment).

Assigning Robinson lists to a script button

Robinson lists can be assigned to buttons in the script. The script can be edited by choosing the Project from the projects list and navigating to the Script tab.

  1. Click on “+New Element” (opens “Add element” modal window where you need to choose the button option) or “+ New Button” (opens add button modal window directly).
  2. Add an operation to the button by clicking the + sign.
  3. Choose “assign number to Robinson list” option from the dropdown menu and pick the desired Robinson list to be assigned to this button.
  4. It is recommended to terminate the call record by choosing Terminate / Termination category / choosing the desired Termination / Call category.
Using a button to add records to robinson list in the script.