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Comnica Contact Center
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Comnica SmartSMS
Mass SmartSMS
Call settings

Call Settings are located in the Projects / Project list menu, by opening one of the projects and navigating to the Call Settings tab.

  • Click on the “Open settings” button to see the different call setting options.
  • Hovering over the Information icon a detailed description is available to every setting.
  • After modifying a setting, it can be saved by clicking on the “Update” button at the lower-right corner of the box.
  • After updating a setting the Agents need to re-login to the Client to be able to see the newly applied modifications.


1. Dialer and telephone exchange settings

During manual call or callback, the software plays a beep sound to the agent upon connecting the call.

The software plays a beep sound to the agent upon ending the call.

Enables for the agents to see the common callbacks in the Client.

The maximum number of unsuccessful call attempts per record.

Allows system to dial dedicated and common list callbacks automatically.

If a call is successful (connected to an agent), the call attempts counter will not restart.

Agents are primarily getting calls from the higher weighted call queue.

The maximum time in seconds for how long the calls can wait in the queue.

Managing how many days of callbacks to be due will be presented to the agent in the Client.

The time after the system sets back the dedicated callbacks to common list.

The max time for how long the agent is able to to answer a call in case of manual call handling.

2. Agent timeframe settings

The value of the maximum amount of time that can be spent on a break. 10:00 minutes (600 seconds) by default.

The maximum amount of talk-time in seconds. 10:00 minutes (600 seconds) by deafult.

The value of the maximum amount of time that can be spent in pre-work status. 02:00 minutes (120 seconds) by deafult.

The value of the maximum amount of time that can be spent in registering status. 10:00 minutes (600 seconds) by default.

By fine-tuning these values, you can set the maximum amount of time that agents are recommended to spend in a given state.

Time contraints displayed in the Client

  1. The currently active agent status displays the elapsed time and max. time. For example: Pause – 00:54 / 05:00.
  2. If the user exceeds the specified time, they will receive a floating notification message.
  3. The status time display changes to a red font when the limit set in the call settings is exceeded.

3. Agent permission settings

Allows the agent to retrieve a record at random.

Allows the agent to retrieve a record using the advanced record search function.

Allows the agent to create a new record.

Database fields highlighted in the select box will be shown in the other info column on the Clients interface callback list. If the ‘Advanced record search’ option is active then the selected database fields will act as search fileds on Clients interface advanced search box. If the ‘Create record’ option is active, then the selected database fields will act as editable record fields on the Client interface create record box. The list does not contain any contact fields, they are automatically displayed.

Allows the agent to pause voice recording.

Allow agent to put calls on hold.

Allows an agent to initiate a new call while another one is on hold.

Allow agents to mute a call.

Show lost calls in callback list.

Show lost calls that exceeded the set waiting time.

Show missed calls within the specified time in the callback list.

Allows agent to initiate a new call while in hold state.

This option defines the method of call handling. The default setting is – active – which means that the agent will automatically join to the assigned call.  If disabled, a modal is going to pop up every time, when the agent is about to recieve a call. On the pop-up window they can decide to take or refuse a a call.

4. User permissions

4.1 Adding/removing users

On the User permissions panel

Clicking on the Agents button you active users can be added to the project in the popup window.

Username– Project roles – Weight

The available permisson options are based on the user’s roles, which control the user’s access to different parts of the system.
Users can be added to multiple projects in the Users menu.

4.2 Project permissions, weight

On the User permission panel, click on a user and in a popup window you can change it’s project permissions or weight.

Project permissions:

  • client: requester permission to the project
  • operator: default, agent permission to the project
  • project_supervisor: supervisor permission to the project
  • qa: quality assurance permission to the project


The dialer will give the call to the agent who is free and has the highest weighting value in the given queue. (10 is the highest value).