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Comnica Contact Center
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Comnica SmartSMS
Mass SmartSMS
Message templates (E-mail, SMS)

Sending e-mails

By creating an e-mail sending template for a project, it is possible to send transactional messages using our Comnica Contact Center software.

You can create an e-mail sending template by choosing Project list on the Admin page and after selecting the desired project, navigate to the Message templates tab and use the “+ New Message Template” button in the upper right corner.

New e-mail template datasheet

  • Template name

    When placed in the script editor, the template will be listed under this name in the “Operations” drop-down menu.

  • Template state

    In the inactive state, this template will not be selectable in the script editor.

  • Sender (from)

    By default, we send the letter from the address

    If your own or external SMTP server is set in the E-mail server settings menu, the sender of the e-mail to be sent can be selected and specified. Otherwise the e-mail can have one sender: the operator’s specified e-mail address, a value stored in a database column, or an arbitrarily specified e-mail address.

  • Recipient (to)

    The recipient of the email. It is mandatory to set a recipient, which can be the following (or more): the e-mail address specified by the operator, a value stored in a database column or an e-mail address that can be entered as desired.

  • Copy (CC)

    You can choose who will receive a copy of the e-mail to be sent. This value is optional, the following (or more) can be included in the copy: the e-mail address specified by the operator, a value stored in a database column or an e-mail address that can be entered as desired.

  • Secret copy (BCC)

    You can choose who should receive a secret copy of the e-mail to be sent. The addresses in the BCC are not visible to the addressees and copies of the letter. This value is optional, the following (or more) can be included in a secret copy: the e-mail address specified by the operator, a value stored in a database column or an e-mail address that can be entered as desired.

  • Subject

    The subject of the letter, in which the value of even a database field can be entered in [%record.columnname%] format.

Editing the content of an e-mail message

1. Text formatting tools

Bold letter
List (with points)
List (with numbers)
Insert link

2. The drop-down menu contains a list of database fields that can be added to the message.

3. + Add DB field button – The database field selected in point 2 can be added to the text box with this button.

4. Text box. This is where the content of the message goes.

5. Upload attachment.

An attachment can only be added to the e-mail after the template has been created. The file size of the attachment cannot exceed 5 MB!

Message content (example)

Message to send:

Dear Jessica!

Thank you for choosing us!
As agreed, we look forward to welcoming you to our office!

Best regards,
Comnica Kft.

Text box contents:

Dear []!

Thank you for choosing us!
As agreed, we look forward to welcoming you to our office!

Best regards,
Comnica Kft.

System columns and database fields (uploaded data or data obtained from a script) can be placed in the e-mail sending templates, which enables the usage of dynamic address, products, personal details, etc.

The agent’s phone number and e-mail address can also be referenced in the message templates (E-mail and SMS templates) as follows:

Operator name: []
Phone number: []
Email address: []

The system fills in the phone number and e-mail address with the data entered in the Users menu, in the Personal data section.

Creating a “send e-mail” button in the script editor

  1. After creating the desired Email template go to Projects and choose the Script tab.
  2. Navigate to the script page where you’d like the button to be placed.
  3. Add “New element – Button”, enter the desired button label, then add a new Operation with the + sign, where the E-mail sending function can be selected using the drop-down menu (if there are several E-mail sending templates, it can be set here that the which E-mail template should belong to a given operation).
Setting up an e-mail sending button in the script.

In case the e-mail sending is not tied to termination, the button can be pressed several times by the agent, which will repeatedly send e-mails by button press.

When the setting shown in the picture is pressed, the record is closed with a “offer_accepted” termination and an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address field of the record selected in the “Home insurance offers” template. You can find out about the delivery status of e-mails in the Sent messages menu.

Any number of e-mail sending buttons can be placed within a script. Sending is not tied to termination, that is, the selected templates assigned to a button in the script could be sent by pressing a button even during a conversation.

Creating an SMS sending template

You can create an SMS sending template by navigating to the Message templates tab in the Project list view after selecting the desired project, and using the “New message template” button in the upper right corner.

Any number of SMS sending buttons can be placed within a script. Sending is not tied to termination, that is, the selected templates assigned to a button in the script can be sent by pressing a button even during a conversation.

Template name
With the name entered in the input field, the created SMS sending function can be attached to a button as an action in the script editor.

Database phone number column: The contact field in the project that contains the recipient’s phone number.

System columns and database fields (loaded data or data obtained from a script) can be placed in the SMS templates, which enable e.g. the dynamic address, the name of the ordered product, etc.

Creating an SMS send button in the script editor
1. After creating the desired SMS template go to Projects/Script tab.
2. Navigate to the script page where the button will be placed.
3. Add “New element – Button”, enter the desired button label, then add a new Operation with the + sign, where the SMS sending function can be selected using the drop-down menu (if there are several SMS sending templates, you can set here which SMS for the given action template should be included).
On the Admin interface, the delivery status of the messages can be tracked in the “Sent messages” menu.

A mass SMS function is also available in Comnica CC called SmartSMS, more information about which is available at this link.

The character counter in the lower right corner of the SMS sending template shows the approximate number of characters the sent message will consist of, however, the inserted database fields are not indicated by the counter, because their length may differ from record to record!

SMS messages are currently delivered from randomly selected, changing phone numbers. If required, it can also be delivered from a fixed phone number.