After creating a project, navigate to the script page. The program starts with a pop-up window where you can select a way to edit the script. You’ll see the following options:
New, blank script
Basic incoming template
Basic outgoing template
Complex template
After selecting the script template and entering it’s name, click the Create Script button and the system navigates to the Script Editing interface.
If an empty script is created, the first page is created on the script map, where all the pages created later, as well as the connection between them, are displayed.
The first page is automatically created with a blank layout.
Additional elements and groups can be added to the page using the button in the lower left corner of the script page.
Its scheme (arrangement) can be changed by clicking on the icon next to it.
By clicking on the button located in the upper right corner of the script map, the name of the page can be entered in the pop-up window, and the schema of the page can be selected.
- Horizontal halving- 2 horizontal groups, one below the other.
- Vertical halving – 2 vertical groups next to each other.
2. Script structure – elements and groups
2.1 Groups that can be added to a script
The arrow in the enclosing groups indicates the direction of the content layout, so the elements placed in the script will be placed according to the direction (horizontal, vertical).
This setting can be changed later by clicking on the icon within the already created group.
When creating a group, you can set:
random display of elements (‘random display’ cannot be activated if the group contains a button or a multi-line text field),
and the visibility of the elements placed in the group can be linked to a database field value.
2.2 Elements that can be added to a script:
By clicking the + New element icon, the top row of the pop-up window contains the elements that can be added to the script:
- Input field
- Choice
- Textarea
- Button
- SmartButton
- Record copy button
- Voice announcement
After inserting an element, a new window appears where you can edit the individual properties of the given element.
2.3 Managing elements
The elements placed on the page (or in groups) are recorded in the order they were inserted, but if needed, this order can be changed by grabbing it with the mouse and moving it to the desired location. The elements can be moved to another group or page if required.
To move, right-click on the given element and the following options will be available:
- Cutout
In the pop-up menu, select cut, then after navigating to the right place, click again with the right button and select paste in the menu that appears here. - Copying
As described above, elements can also be duplicated, but in this case copy must be selected in the source location and paste in the destination location from the pop-up menu. - Delete item
Elements can be deleted in two ways, by selecting Delete Element from the menu that pops up when you right-click on the element, or with the Delete button in the element’s editor window.
If required, the Start page of the script can be set here, if the processing of the script will not start with the first created page, and the End page can also be specified in case of exception handling, which can be accessed by clicking the Close button on the client’s record management interface.
(e.g.: if the called party hangs up the phone during a conversation, the operator should go through the entire script to close, but if a closing page is used, he can jump directly to the page containing closings).
The field’s text (question or description), which is placed directly above the input field.
Database field name
During the processing of the script, the content written in the input field is recorded in the database. The data registered in the input field will be listed under this database field name, its entry is mandatory.
The database field type can be depending on the value defined in it: String, Text, Number, Date, Time, Email, Phone number or Secret.
In the case of a date type field, it is possible to define additional parameters (setting a time interval).
When the field is created in the client, a calendar helps the operator in determining the date, so it is not necessary to enter it manually, thereby reducing the occurrence of incorrect data entry.
The text entered in the ‘Tooltip’ section is displayed in a text box for the operator by navigating to the information icon next to the input field label in the client.
If filling in the created input field is Required, it is not possible to proceed without filling in the element during processing in the client. In the case of required fields, a red star has been placed in the upper right corner of the element in the client. The agent is required to fill out this data to be able to proceed.
Choice field types
Difference “Choice field” types appear differently:
single-choice (radio select),
multi-choice (multiple select checkbox display) and
single-choice list or multiple-select dropdown list (drop-down menu).
In the case of single-choice, only one of the answer options specified in the next step of creating the Choice field can be selected, while in the case of multiple-choice appearance, all elements of the list can be selected.
Choice options
After choosing the Choice type, in the next section, by clicking on the button, enter the different answer options for the choice field:
- Option name (value displayed in the client)
- Database value
- Default (if active, the selected value is automatically selected during display in the client)
- Random order (checkbox)
By navigating to a specific answer option, we have the option to delete it (by clicking on the trash can icon at the end of the line) or to change its location (by clicking on the option at the beginning of the line and using the drag and drop technique).
Textareas are for displaying static texts and dynamic texts from the database, also provides the possibility to record content without formatting or formatted with BBCode (default setting).
The following formatting options can be selected from the menu after choosing the textarea (top row of buttons):
Text color
Remove Formatting
- Dotted list
- Numbered list
Inserting database fields
The value of the selected field recorded in the database is displayed in the client.
Button label
The label will be written on the button indicating it’s function.
The text entered in the ‘Tooltip’ section is displayed in a text box for the operator by navigating to the information icon placed next to the created button in the client.
In the Conditions section, it is possible to set the events to be performed when the button is clicked, as well as the order in which they are performed.
On each Condition button, it is possible to enter any option on the right side of the editing panel, which can be the execution of an Action or a Terminate event.
- It is possible to add a condition by clicking the button.
- In the case of more than one Condition, processing is always done sequentially (one after the other from top to bottom).
- All newly added conditions are inserted after the existing ones (at the bottom), but their order can be changed as needed by grabbing the Condition and moving it to the desired location.
- You can also delete it with the trash icon that appears when you move the cursor over the condition you want to remove.
The execution of the selected Condition can be conditional or unconditional.
It is possible to add an operation by clicking the button.
Their order can be changed as needed by grabbing the Operation and moving it to the desired location.
You can also delete it with the trash icon that appears when you move the cursor over the action you want to remove.
The execution of the selected Action can be conditional or unconditional.
Conditional operation
- Without the use of the marker, no condition check is performed after clicking the button.
- By using the checkbox, the corresponding buttons and the condition editor become active.
The necessary parameters can be recorded using the buttons or manually in the editor.
In case of an incorrect definition, the editor displays an error message, but the test only checks the format of the conditions, not the logical connections.
By clicking the Insert database field button, the database field names specified in the script editor will be listed in a pop-up window, divided by pages, and when selected, the appropriate format value will be entered into the editor (e.g.: {record.databasename1}).
The Allowed Syntaxes button can also help in formulating the conditions. By clicking on it, you can select the possible actions from a list instead of filling them in manually.
Termination defines the closing options for working with the current script page.
One of the options in the menu must be set to activate the script and assign it to a project.
Switch page
By selecting the “Switch page” option, a drop-down menu will appear, where you must specify which page the script should continue processing on.
The first option in the list is New page, followed by existing pages in ABC order. After saving, the connection between the current page and the selected page is established.
If you choose New page, the editor will create the page that does not yet exist under the desired name during Save.
If “Terminate” is selected (depending on the additional options), the work with the script is partially or completely completed. After that, you can specify the type of closure and the associated free text termination code.
This closure can be classified into four types:
SUCCESSFUL: the goal of the projecthas been achieved (e.g.: successful sales).
NEUTRAL: neutral call (e.g.: subscriber on the called number cannot be connected).
FAILED: the goal of the campaign was not met (e.g. the customer withdraws).
ACHIEVED: the customer was reached, the goal of the project was partially met (e.g. data was matched with the customer, but the sale was not successful).
In addition to Normal closing, it is possible to set two other types of closing (Redirection and Redirection to IVR described in the next point).
Redirection closing: it is set if the operator has to continue working in another waiting line and corresponding script when the script is closed.
Redirect to IVR close: if set, the conversation will be redirected from the current waiting line to an IVR menu (e.g.: CVC code request), but after entering the necessary data, the processing of the script will continue. f you choose to continue, neither switching nor closing takes place. If the following condition exists, it is evaluated.
If a redirect option is needed, please contact our Comnica Service Desk.
By selecting the continue option, after the selected operation is performed, there is no switching between pages or closing, work can be continued on the given page.
In contrast to the operation of the button, the SmartButton is capable of performing various operations, but does not fulfill the ‘Terminate’ function.
On the client side, the created SmartButton can be used to perform the following actions:
- Delete field value
- Copy field value
- Change field value
- Copy result to field
Button label
The label will be written on the button indicating it’s function.
The text entered in the ‘Tooltip’ section is displayed in a text box for the operator by navigating to the information icon placed next to the created button in the client.
In the Conditions section, it is possible to set the events to be performed when the button is clicked, as well as the order in which they are performed.
On each Condition button, it is possible to enter any option on the right side of the editing panel, which can be the execution of an Action or a Terminate event.
- It is possible to add a condition by clicking the button.
- In the case of more than one Condition, processing is always done sequentially (one after the other from top to bottom).
- All newly added conditions are inserted after the existing ones (at the bottom), but their order can be changed as needed by grabbing the Condition and moving it to the desired location.
- You can also delete it with the trash icon that appears when you move the cursor over the condition you want to remove.
The execution of the selected Condition can be conditional or unconditional.
Conditional operation
- Without the use of the marker, no condition check is performed after clicking the button.
- By using the checkbox, the corresponding buttons and the condition editor become active.
The necessary parameters can be recorded using the buttons or manually in the editor.
In case of an incorrect definition, the editor displays an error message, but the test only checks the format of the conditions, not the logical connections.
By clicking the Insert database field button, the database field names specified in the script editor will be listed in a pop-up window, divided by pages, and when selected, the appropriate format value will be entered into the editor (e.g.: {record.databasename1}).
The Allowed Syntaxes button can also help in formulating the conditions. By clicking on it, you can select the possible actions from a list instead of filling them in manually.
It is possible to add an operation by clicking the button.
Their order can be changed as needed by grabbing the Operation and moving it to the desired location.
You can also delete it with the trash icon that appears when you move the cursor over the action you want to remove.
The execution of the selected Action can be conditional or unconditional.
SmartButton can be used to perform the following actions:
- Delete field value
By clicking the button, the value of the database field defined will be deleted. - Copy field value
By clicking the button, the value of the database field defined is copied into a new field. - Change field value
By clicking the button, the value of the database field defined will be changed to the value specified by the user. - Copy result to field
By using a formula, the result will be added to a chosen database column.
In contrast to the operation of the button, the Record copy button is suitable for copying the given record to another project at the same time as the termination of the record, i.e. the ‘Terminate’ function.
On the client side, the created Copy Record button can be used to perform the following operations:
- Copying the data created in the project (except for the fields created by the system).
- Copy the original project name and original record ID.
- A common list callback or a dedicated callback can be assigned to the operator performing the operation for the newly created record.
Button label
The label will be written on the button indicating it’s function.
The text entered in the ‘Tooltip’ section is displayed in a text box for the operator by navigating to the information icon placed next to the created button in the client.
In the Conditions section, it is possible to set the events to be performed when the button is clicked, as well as the order in which they are performed.
On each Condition button, it is possible to enter any option on the right side of the editing panel, which can be the execution of an Action or a Terminate event.
- It is possible to add a condition by clicking the button.
- In the case of more than one Condition, processing is always done sequentially (one after the other from top to bottom).
- All newly added conditions are inserted after the existing ones (at the bottom), but their order can be changed as needed by grabbing the Condition and moving it to the desired location.
- You can also delete it with the trash icon that appears when you move the cursor over the condition you want to remove.
The execution of the selected Condition can be conditional or unconditional.
Conditional operation
- Without the use of the marker, no condition check is performed after clicking the button.
- By using the checkbox, the corresponding buttons and the condition editor become active.
The necessary parameters can be recorded using the buttons or manually in the editor.
In case of an incorrect definition, the editor displays an error message, but the test only checks the format of the conditions, not the logical connections.
By clicking the Insert database field button, the database field names specified in the script editor will be listed in a pop-up window, divided by pages, and when selected, the appropriate format value will be entered into the editor (e.g.: {record.databasename1}).
The Allowed Syntaxes button can also help in formulating the conditions. By clicking on it, you can select the possible actions from a list instead of filling them in manually.
Button label
The label for the button, which is placed directly above the voice announcement.
The audio file uploaded for the project can be selected and set in the system. This selected audio file will be played by the system when the operator presses a button during the call.