Live calls view is divided into 4 main sections (marked 1-4 on the picture) and a function button (marked 5).
1. Adjustable filters
Different filters can be set (for example: by agents, call status), which can facilitate the transparency of agents’ work. For example, you can keep track of the number of active agents in a given project. Agents’ states can also be filtered.
2. Active connections
At the active connections section all the agents, whom are currently on call are listed. By clicking on an active call, the “Call details” are displayed, where the current state, extension, ID, name of the agent, as well as the call ID and other details can also be seen. There is an option to listen in to a call or speak to an agent (guidance) while they are in an active call.
By clicking “Listen” you’ll be able to listen the currently active call. When the call ends, the listening channel will be terminated. You can choose an active call to start listening.
By clicking “Speak” you’ll be able to speak to the agent who is currently in a call (educational or guiding purposes). The customer will only hear the agent speaking.
3. Lonely agents
By default, the Idle Agents section lists the agents in the following, default, system-based states:
- Taking Break
- Lunch
- Education
- Waiting for Customer
- Talking
- Registering
User created agent states are also visible in the monitor.
4. Lonely Customers
Customers who are not yet connected to an agent are shown here. There are several reasons for this, for example: the customer is roaming in IVR or there is no idle agent to connect the call to.
5. Save filters
The “Save agent and project filters” button allows to save currently set filters and use them again when returning to the Monitor application.