While agents use the Client every one of their work processes are connected to an agent state. An agent is able to request to change their agent state using the drop-down menu at bottom right corner. The menu helps to review the existing agent states and allows to create new agent states as well.
In addition to the manual state switching/requesting by the user, switching between agent states is also influenced by the automation of the connection between the dialer and the client or the current workphase the agent is in.
There are a couple of pre-existing states an agent can choose from when they log into the Client. The default state, after an agent logs in is “Taking a break”.
The following agent states are available by default:
Taking a break (default setting: does not count as work)
In the case of an outgoing project, this state allows the agent to initiate a call manually.
Depending on the conditions defined in the Call settings menu item, the following functions become available to the agent:
- Management of records that appear ‘Callback list’.
- Fetch a random record.
- Detailed search among records.
- Create a record.
Lunch (by default: it does not count as work).
Education (by default: it does not count as work).
Waiting for customer (by default: counts as work).
In the case of an outgoing project, in the ‘Waiting for customer’ state, our system / dialer switches to predictive (automatic) dialing mode.
In the case of an incoming project, the incoming call is handled according to the conditions defined under the ‘Call settings’ menu item.
Create new agent states
By clicking on the menu item on the administrator interface, administrators can edit default states or create new ones with the
The name of the state can be entered on the “New agent state” data sheet, and the state change slider next to the ‘Considered as work’ label can be used to decide whether the created state is considered work or not in the worklog statistics.
When the state is activated, the created state is displayed in the Client, in the drop-down menu.
Modify existing agent states
It is possible to modify an existing agent state by clicking on the given state.
After selecting the state, the system navigates to the ‘Agent state data sheet’ page, where the name of the state can be changed (if it’s not default one), and with the help of the state change slider next to ‘Counts as work’, it can be decided whether the time spent in that state is considered work in the worklog statistics or not. Make sure to click ‘Save’ after modifying a state.
Assign states to agents
The created agent states can be assigned to different users by navigating to the respective user’s data sheet. This can be beneficial in the event that the agents have to perform different work for each work group and they involve different agent states that we want to see in one place in the statistics concerning the states.
On the user’s profile, in the Product specific user settings section, on the Contact Center tab, the states that can be assigned (or removed) to users can be selected by clicking on the “Set states” button.
On the user’s profile, in the Product specific user settings section, on the Contact Center tab, the states that can be assigned (or removed) to users can be selected by clicking on the “Set states” button.
Initial state of agent login
On the administration interface (with appropriate authorization), in the CC settings menu, it is possible to specify which state/status the agents will be in by default when entering the Client. The Modify settings button in the upper right corner will open the following window, where the option has been marked in yellow:
By clicking on the label “Initial state of agent login”, the desired state can be selected from the drop-down menu that appears. The drop-down menu contains all system states (available by default) as well as individually created agent states.