1. Sending settings
Using the drop-down menu, you can set the sending time of the SmartSMS project, inactivate it or send it immediately by one click. Robinson lists can also be assigned after finalization, with which prohibited phone numbers are filtered from the customer data/list.
2. The text of the message
Before sending, the text of the message, the SMS template can be changed by clicking the “Modify” button. Once the message is finalized, the message can no longer be edited.
With the “Send test” button in the upper right corner, you can enter your own phone number in the pop-up panel, which can be used to check how many messages it will be and how it will appear to the recipients. The test message will be sent to the specified phone number with the data of a randomly selected record of the uploaded customer list.
The content of the message can also be viewed on the database tab.
3. Statistics and expenditure
The statistics show the data of the uploaded customer list (bad numbers – loaded in a format that the system cannot understand, duplicate numbers – multiple occurrences, robinson numbers – numbers in the assigned robinson list, to which the message is not sent). You can also find the percentage of clicks (“Click through rate”). Next to the statistics, you can see the estimated number of sent messages.
4. Delivery report
After sending, the statistics section (3.) is supplemented with a “Delivery report” statistic. The delivery report shows the status of the sent messages:
- Waiting to send
- Failed to send
- Sent
- Delivered
On the Database tab, you can see:
- Delivered at (timestamp of delivery)
- Delivery status
- Delivered segments
- Last send attempt
- Send attempts count (how many times the system tried to send the messages)
The Test messages tab shows the sent test messages.